Website Of the Week on 6Music Introducing!

BBC Introducing is a cross network initiative to get unsigned music onto the air. As I mentioned in my post on ‘What Makes Your Music Interesting?‘ I’ve been talking to Tom Robinson about my music ever since we met at his event that I live-blogged at London Songwriters Week.

Well, on last night’s Introducing Show, was his website of the week, and he played I’m Lost by Lobelia and I, and said some rather nice things about it.

You Can Listen to it on the iPlayer by going to the show page, and clicking on the Sunday link in the listen again menu.

Or click on the picture below to go straight to the iPlayer:

The whole show’s def. worth a listen, but if you want to jump to our bit, it’s at about 1hr 21mins.

And if you liked I’m Lost, you can listen to ‘Happy’ from the same EP by clicking on the player in the top right of the page, or you can head over to the shop and buy the whole thing as a download for just £3.50. Which is a bargain.

3 Replies to “Website Of the Week on 6Music Introducing!”

  1. I’ve just transcribed what Tom says in his introduction bit about the website of the week – here it is:

    “Each week on this show we highlight new ways of engaging with music for both audiences and musicians. Which is why tonight we salute a musical maverick. Bass virtuoso Steve Lawson decided in the late 90s to turn his back, both on bands and on the general workings of the music industry. Ever since he’s actively embraced new ways of composing and promoting music, using new technologies to directly share the whole process with his audience.

    In the process he’s become a blogger, journalist and lecturer on music and technology, while his website is the hub of a thriving online community, awash with links and resources for fellow travelers. He’s made 5 albums, toured worldwide with his wife Lobelia on vocals and booked his latest tour entirely via Twitter.

    As an inspired example of how to engage with new social technology while making damned fine music, is our brand new 6music introducing website of the week.

    But as the Long Cat Gradius 5 music fades away, I can almost hear you wondering ‘solo bass and vocals?? damned fine music?? how does that work then?’… Listen and believe”

  2. Damn fine music? Yeah, I’ll second that… “I’m Lost” gives me chills every time! (So does “Happy”, but very different ones…)

  3. thanks Mike! Really glad you like it. Those are some pretty awesome tunes to get to work on arranging. Lobelia’s songwriting is really inspiring!

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