bass tuition

  • Want to take your bass playing to new places?
  • Struggling for ideas on how (or why!) to practice?
  • Needing inspiration to kickstart your creativity?
  • Just starting out and looking for a way to connect learning the bass to the music you love?
  • Want the inside scoop on how to take your solo playing to the next level?


I currently teach via Zoom though am happy to work with other video tech if needed. Email me now to book a first session. I’ve got a high-def audio set up so you get to hear in good quality, and can advise on the best way to get your bass sound into your computer for the lessons. This also means that you get a video copy of every single lesson included in the price – no need to take notes during the lesson, just review the video afterwards! The video has a significant impact on the amount of information we can get into a lesson to truly maximise the value of the lesson in ways that are even better than face to face lessons.

I’ve been teaching bass since 1992, having taught thousands of students, from total beginners to PhD candidates to globe-hopping rock stars.

I’ve written tuitional columns for Bassist Magazine and Bass Guitar Magazine – I wrote the Beginning Bass column for Bass Player Magazine for many years – and have given bass, improv, looping and performance masterclasses at universities and colleges all over the world. I also teach bass, performing with creative technology, ensemble and solo performance at BIMM Birmingham.

I’ve filmed three courses (Looping, Fretless and Pedals) and also give regular live seminars for the subscribers at and am the bass specialist at

My approach to teaching is that I’m a ‘creative midwife’ – I’m here to help you find your voice as a musician. That might mean you want to play cover tunes like your heroes, or it might mean you want to write your own music or even improvise on your own for hours on end. It’s your voice that matters, I’m here to help give you the tools, the skills, the practice regime that will get you where you want to be.

Lessons are £60 an hour, payable in advance via Wise, PayPal* or bank transfer.

(*you are responsible for PayPal fees, so please click the ‘buyer pays fee’ button or calculate that when sending)

I (very) occasionally teach a series of bass group-classes in Birmingham, called ‘Beyond Bass Camp’ has more details as well as a series of blog posts about my thoughts on bass teaching.

In the meantime, you might also enjoy the series of blog posts I wrote a while back about my approach to teaching – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

And this podcast from No Treble has some interesting insights:

14 Replies to “bass tuition”

  1. Hi Steve,
    I’m very interested in having some regular lessons with you. I am quite new to the bass but would like to take my playing up a gear, improve technique, begin sight reading, etc. I live in Bromley so you’re only a short train ride away.
    Let me know if you could fit me in for an hour next week.
    Kind regards,

  2. I am interested in playing bass professionally. My group, Shuttle 21, wants me to advance my playing style. Any help will do

  3. I will be in Lodon in may.

    I would like to have privete class (at evening) of eletric bass.

    Could you help me?


  4. Hi steve
    Great Music,
    How can i arrange a lesson with you?
    also what are you using to get your higher octave sound?? is it a whammy ?

    Many thanks
    All the best

  5. Hi Steve, we’re Facebook friends. I’m going to be in London (8-17 Jan) visiting the folks for a short while. I’m contemplating a lesson with you. Do you have a phone # that I can call when I get there?
    thanks, Pete.
    I don’t think my folks have internet access, i’m not sure how it works there.

  6. Hello steve, I read your blog and i am very interested as to how you became a bass teacher. I’ve searched online and couldn’t find anything, so I decided to ask one myself. I’m looking at a few career options at the moment, at I would appreciate it very much if you would get back to me. Thank you,


  7. Hi, I am interested to know if you have any of your teaching material in a book format to buy, all your columns from Bass Player for example. I find your approach to be exactly what I am after.
    Cheers h NYC

    1. Hi Huw! The only thing I have out at the moment is a compilation of all my pedal/effects columns for Bass Guitar Mag that is available as part of my Bandcamp subscription at – that was a lot of advice about how to use effects, ways of approaching them and thinking about them.

      I’m actually in the process of compiling my Bass Guitar Mag columns (which are now being re-run in Bass Player) into an eBook, which again will be available via the subscription, so it’s probably worth going and checking out what’s there.

      I also do a lot of video tuition for ScottsBassLessons so you may want to have a look at that (there are a couple of courses I’ve taught there, and a large number of archived live seminars!)

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