Feline update

the little guy went back into the vets yesterday morning for Chemo II, and was put on a drip to rehydrate (not been eating much). This was a different type of chemo, even more mild than the last one, no side-effects etc. I went in to visit him this morning, and he’s the perkiest he’s been for over a month – was purring and scenting me, putting his widdle pink feets up to try and get me to pick him up (impossible cos he was still attached to the drip, but I did get half into the cage he was in and give him maximum snuggles).

Anyway, all looking v. good for fairly aged feline, ginger edition. He’ll be home later today, which is always a good thing. Miss having him around, and I think it unsettles the tabby edition of the FAF… not that he misses the ginge, just that he’s not sure what’s going on.

SoundtrackKing’s X, ‘Ogre Tones’ (new album, major return to form – possibly in their top three or four albums – heavy like Dogman, harmonies like Ear Candy. Oh yes)

One Reply to “Feline update”

  1. HURRAY!!!!! That is fabulous news that he is perkier and a bit more like himself again. :o)

    I think that Mr God quite likes cats. (Not half as much as I do though).

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