passing on a request from the lovely Bananie…

One of my favourite blogs to read is – Bananie is a lovely friend in Austin TX, great blogger and one of those people whose love and concern for lil’ hanimals means she can’t turn down a lost kitten or puppy (hence the reason their house looks like a deleted scene from Dr Doolittle).

Anyway, given that the US doesn’t have anything like the kind of affordable sensible pet insurance that we do in the UK, she’s just about all spent up on protecting helpless cats and kittens, and they currently have this tiny fella, Phineas, who has ringworm (AKA athlete’s foot, hardly fatal, but definitely needs treating) and a heart condition, which as usual is unspecified until lots of v. expensive tests have been done, but will kill him if it’s not treated soon… if you’re moved by the little guy’s plight, head over to and drop a couple of cyber-squidz in the paypal donation bucket to help out with his medical bills… no pressure, I just know that some of y’all who read this are animal lovers and will quite possibly want to help out a fellow gentle soul in her quest to turn their house in to a cat ‘n’ dog focussed Ark…

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