Racist's hall of shame

Just got an interesting email through from Unite Against Fascism, listing the BNP’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ – pretty much shows up what they’re about for the coming elections:

  • Tony Lecomber: top BNP official. Three years jail for nailbomb
    plot and three years for stabbing a Jewish teacher.
    12 convictions in all.

  • Kevin Scott: north east BNP organiser. Convictions for
    assault and threatening behaviour.

  • Paul Harris: Barnsley BNP council candidate. Convicted of
    using threatening behaviour towards a pensioner.

  • Jason Douglas: leading Greater London BNP candidate.
    Convicted football hooligan.

  • Warren Bennett: BNP chief steward.
    Convicted football hooligan.

  • Stephen Belshaw: Amber Valley BNP
    candidate. Convicted of attacking a
    Jewish solicitor.

  • Colin Smith: south east London BNP
    organiser. 17 convictions including burglary,
    car theft, possession of drugs and
    assaulting a police officer.

  • Darren Dobson: Oldham BNP council candidate.Convicted
    of racially aggravated assault.

  • Frank Forte: Waltham Forest BNP member. Convicted of
    actual bodily harm.

  • Paul Thompson: former Durham and Darlington BNP
    organiser.Convicted of criminal damage and for violence.

  • Neil Keilty: BNP member. Convictions for possessing an
    offensive weapon and threatening behaviour.

  • Gary Mitchell: former Sunderland BNP secretary.Convicted
    of racist attacks and possession of offensive weaponry.

So, that’s just about all that needs to be said. Mark Thomas last year posted a list of some of the remarkable acheivements of the BNP local councillors up north – most had never even attended any council meetings.

I can’t imagine that any of the erudite creative delicious people who read this Blog would be voting BNP, but the thing to remember is that they benefit greatly from low voter turn out, so make sure that you and everyone you know goes out to vote in the forthcoming elections!

Soundtrack – Dave Matthews/Tim Reynolds, ‘Live At Luther College’; Tom Waits, ‘Blue Valentines’; Terry Callier, ‘Speak Your Peace’; Cocteau Twins, ‘VictoriaLand’.

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