
I’ve basically given up on mainstream distribution for my music – for a number of reasons, Bandcamp serves you and I way better than me going through the process of submitting all of my music to iTunes, Amazon etc. even before we get to any ethical concerns we may have about the companies…So, to hear and buy everything I’ve done, head to – or better yet, check out the subscription – it’s by far the best value way to get a TON of amazing music, previews of new stuff, new exclusive videos and everything new I release in the coming year… If you like physical things, there’s the USB Stick of Everything!

Here are a selection of recent things to get you started:

Let’s start with my latest solo album:

Beauty And Desolation

Then there are the collaborations:

Restless, with Pete Fraser:

Live So Far, with Lobelia:

FingerPainting, with Daniel Berkman:

Diversion, with Jon Thorne:

Invenzioni, with Mike Outram:


13 Replies to “Streaming/Downloads”

  1. Steve!! I plan to download your stuff, but reluctant because I have no account what so ever on the net, hence the lack of dough..

    this is hard for me to say, but pleease pleease pretty pleease allow me to download them for free.. at least an mp3 🙁

    you are a great bassist, no doubt 🙂

    1. A fair amount of it is free, Cumi – just click the download buttons and put your email address in. The rest of it is free to listen to. Come back as often as you like. 🙂

  2. Dear Mr. Steve,

    It’s 0306 Boston time. I am listening to “conversations” at a low volume. I am at work; I am a career firefighter/EMT. I share a room with several of my colleagues. Would love to share these pieces with them but think it best to let them sleep, even though I am not able to. Thank you for the gift of having this beautiful music available to listen to and behold.

    I am holding off on credit card purchases for the rest of this month. I will not download this until I can pay for it. The moment I realize that you have “It’s Not Gonna Happen” remastered and available, I shall purchase it, budget be damned. :~D “For The Love of Open Spaces” still makes me ‘unspool.’

    Thanks for the tranquil overnight/early morning gentleness.


  3. Steve seems to be a Pioneer of Sorts…which is coooool!….I think people are really sick of the same ole tunes they have been hearing on the radio for the past 50 years.

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