Pillow Mountain Records

Pillow Mountain Records - how the site used to look...Pillow Mountain Records is a label that only exists to release music involving me. It’s not that I don’t like other people’s music, it’s just that they’d do a better job of selling it than I would.

It only really exists in name, as a brand that sort of lets you in on what to expect, both in terms of the music and the ethos behind it. It’s a back-bedroom-of-a-cottage industry. Fortunately, there’s no size-of-room to greatness-of-music coefficient. Small enterprises are responsible for most of my favourite music 🙂

It is the mechanism by which I put out my solo CDs, as well as the duo CDs I’ve made with Theo Travis, Jez Carr, Lobelia and Calamateur, all of which I’m immensely proud of.

Anyway, all that’s to say is that Pillow Mountain is me, I am it, so please don’t email me requesting to be signed by the label. No-one’s ‘signed’ to it. Not even me.

I’ve even removed the Pillow Mountain Records website (pictured), as all it did was duplicate info that can be had here.

You can expect more great music on PMR soon – for now, check out all of the releases so far in the SteveLawson.net Shop

5 Replies to “Pillow Mountain Records”

  1. Steve, feb 10th was a longtime ago.
    We visited your site referred by O.S. purely for support to you.As usual O.S. does not always no what`s up.
    We have 2 released CD`s With Moiko Records.
    Just stopped by for support and to read your blogs and your perspective on the biz.
    Sugar Bear Trio

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