Review – And Nothing But The Bass (Bass Frontiers Magazine)

“”Steve’s Debut CD is as the title states, a bass only record. All but one cut are live, but through the use of effects life looping and the E-Bow, Steve is able to paint sonic landscapes and them compliment them in real time. His melodic fretless playing is amazing, and realizing that it is all live is a testament to his impeccable intonations.

And Nothing But The Bass was never intended for release but the overwhelming response to some sample tracks on his web site convinced him to go for it. “The Inner Game” reall showcases Steve’s improvised solo playingwhich is full of melodic hooks that go deeper and deeper as the song progresses. “Virtue Of The Small” rings like an acoustic guitar piece dropped a few octaves. When the distorted guitar comes in you would hardly guess that this luscious guitar tone is actually Steve and his fretless bass. [actually it’s a fretted bass! :o) – SL] His phraseing, the overtones, the harmonics all executed passionately and perfectly.

Did I mention that this is just one guy…live? Steve has something all his own, and with it a bright future as a solo bass performer and likely anything else he chooses along the way. Pick it up now so you can say you know of him from the beginning.”

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